Marcel "Akzron" Vitriant

Basic Information

Name: Marcel Vitriant

Aliases: Akzron

Relatives: Parents (Names not known yet)

Affiliations: Likes: Rafe, Emmiline, Bridget, Vektrak, Zakorn Dislikes: Birds, Teronovia, Dr. Pontiac, Ambrose, Zakorn (somewhat; still scared of him being a bird-person, but is more comfortable around him)

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Marital: Single

Dimension Origin: Unknown

Birth Date: Unknown

Birth Place: Florence, Mi (But this is probably going to change because he doesn't originate from Dimension 38


Akzron, is in ex-anti-hero turn full on hero. He loves to build mechs, and is close friends with Rafe, Emmiline, Bridget and Vektrak. He's currently stuck working with an old colleague, Frahlar, to stop Teronovia and her crew from bringing destruction to other dimensions.


He was born in Florence, Michigan. His parents were unhappy together, but they acted out their frustration on him. They cared about Marcel, but they themselves couldn't get along. as it stands today, he still is close with them. Maybe not as close as when he was a kid, but still close.

As a teenager, he used to be in a group of delinquents; doing impractical stuff, and such. One day, however, Teronovia took things too far, and decimated a city block. Fearing for what's to come, Akzron fled from his home dimension and tried to abandon his past. It eventually caught up to him when Frahlar found him. Whilst he still has a mischevious side, though he is more committed to living his life now, and stopping people from harming others.

Powers and Gear



Strength (He has to with how much mechs he builds)

An affinity for building

Construction Gear

Dimension Hopping Devices

Many mechs


He has Ornithophobia, or fear of birds. This is shown in Hoot.

Revealed by Frahlar, his real name is Marcel.

His favorite color is purple.

While his hobby is building, he has a secondary hobby of creating music. The genre he explores is Breakcore. He has made three albums, and he has a fourth one in development that is heavily inspired by music of the Silent Hill franchise

Unsurprisingly, what with the previous bullet point, his favorite band seems to be Nine Inch Nails. **He also likes bands and artists like Silverstein, blink-182, Akira Yamaoka, Venetian Snares, Nikki Louder, and Tool.

He was originally envisioned as an, albiet weak, villain, but I ended really liking his character because of his quirkiness, and he quickly became a comfort character, so I turned him more into a protagonist instead of an antagonist.

Stories Akzron Appears In

Era One

Work in Progress

Era Two

Work in Progress

Era Three

Work in Progress